Author :  

Year-Number: 2017-3
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 48-60
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of Retro marketing on brand loyalty over generations. Descriptive scanning model was used in the study. This research was conducted among 412 respondents 142 of whom were from Generation Z, 134 were from Generation Y and 136 were from Generation X. Simple random sample was used as a method. . Data analysis was done in SPSS 16 package program. In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage and one way ANOVA and two way ANOVA tests were used. As a result of the research, brand loyalty and Retro marketing perceptions differed from generation to generation. All individuals have the feeling of nostalgia which can affect their relationships with other people, objects and services. However results show that the brand loyalty and Retro marketing perceptions of X generation individuals are higher than Y and Z generations. The fact that they see the similar ads which they see during their youth in different formats makes them increase their brand loyalty. Since nostalgic products remind the individual of a living, an event, a situation in the old history and encourage the individual to buy that product.



The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of Retro marketing on brand loyalty over generations. Descriptive scanning model was used in the study. This research was conducted among 412 respondents 142 of whom were from Generation Z, 134 were from Generation Y and 136 were from Generation X. Simple random sample was used as a method. . Data analysis was done in SPSS 16 package program. In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage and one way ANOVA and two way ANOVA tests were used. As a result of the research, brand loyalty and Retro marketing perceptions differed from generation to generation. All individuals have the feeling of nostalgia which can affect their relationships with other people, objects and services. However results show that the brand loyalty and Retro marketing perceptions of X generation individuals are higher than Y and Z generations. The fact that they see the similar ads which they see during their youth in different formats makes them increase their brand loyalty. Since nostalgic products remind the individual of a living, an event, a situation in the old history and encourage the individual to buy that product.


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