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Year-Number: 2017-6
Language : null
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Number of pages: 363-375
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In this study it is aimed to examine role stressors (role ambiguity and role conflict) in the context of their effects on intention to leave, organizational identification and individual performance. Uncertainty regarding to a spesific role or the requirements of the role might cause role ambiguity. On the other hand, employees might experience role conflict depending on incompatible expectations from others or having two or more roles. Role stressors have been analyzed from various aspects in the literature. Organizational outputs of role stressors takes attention among researches to see the reflections of role stressors. Within this perspective, role stressors (role ambiguity and role conflict) may increase employees’ intentions to leave and reduce their organizational identification and performance. For understanding this, an empirical research was conducted. A questionnaire form prepared and delivered to Police Directorate of Tokat Province. Collected data analyzed with statistical methods. According to the findings, role ambiguity has a positive and significant effect on intention to leave, but negative and significant effects on organizational identification and self-reported individual performance. Additionally, role conflict has a positive and significant effect on intention to leave but hasn’t any effect on organizational identification and self-reported individual performance. These findings were discussed in this study.



In this study it is aimed to examine role stressors (role ambiguity and role conflict) in the context of their effects on intention to leave, organizational identification and individual performance. Uncertainty regarding to a spesific role or the requirements of the role might cause role ambiguity. On the other hand, employees might experience role conflict depending on incompatible expectations from others or having two or more roles. Role stressors have been analyzed from various aspects in the literature. Organizational outputs of role stressors takes attention among researches to see the reflections of role stressors. Within this perspective, role stressors (role ambiguity and role conflict) may increase employees’ intentions to leave and reduce their organizational identification and performance. For understanding this, an empirical research was conducted. A questionnaire form prepared and delivered to Police Directorate of Tokat Province. Collected data analyzed with statistical methods. According to the findings, role ambiguity has a positive and significant effect on intention to leave, but negative and significant effects on organizational identification and self-reported individual performance. Additionally, role conflict has a positive and significant effect on intention to leave but hasn’t any effect on organizational identification and self-reported individual performance. These findings were discussed in this study.


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