Author :  

Year-Number: 2018-8
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 245-261
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




Nowadays, companies want to be deeply involved in markets they entered, local firms are forced to compete with stronger international companies and face the threat of being forced out of the market. Thus, the impact of product innovation on brand perception is at the point of changing consumers' habits. The effects can also be seen in the staff of the company implementing the innovation. In this study, therefore, it is aimed to examine the opinions of the staff of the companies applying successful product innovation about the company and the brand perception of the company. In line with this main objective, the focus group discussion was held with the staff of a company that implemented Product Innovation in Istanbul province and data were collected. The research was conducted as an exploratory research. As a result of the study, product innovation was found to be positively reflected in company employees who successfully implemented innovation. In addition, this positive effect is reflected in the positive sense of the employees' brand perception, and it is reflected not only in this but also in the positive motivation of the employees


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