Author :  

Year-Number: 2018-8
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 262-273
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




In recent years, the development of modern chain stores in Turkey has allowed firms to market their products under their own brand. At this point, retailer brands have similarities with national or producer brands. In this study, it is aimed to determine the basic factors, mainly perceptions of similarity and copycat about store brands, which affect the preference tendency of consumers. The study is important in terms of taking attention to imitation and similarity perceptions about store brands and contributing to the gap in the domestic literature about the subject in Turkey. Within the scope of the research, survey is carried out with the discount retail store customers determined in Kırıkkale province. The obtained data are analyzed through statistical package program and the findings are interpreted. In the research; it is seen that “store brand preference tendency” variable is positively related with; “attitudes toward store brand”, “moral perception towards store brands”, “feelings about store brands”, “price sensitivity” and “selection difficulty-complexity”. On the other hand, it is understood that “copycat perception toward store brand” variable is negatively related with “store brand preference tendency”. In addition, difference analyses are conducted to depict differences with respect to gender, education level and income level. Finally, research findings are interpreted and suggestions for businesses are developed. 


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