Author :  

Year-Number: 2020-18
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 397-406
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




One of the main goals of today’s organizations is to combine and integrate the goals of the employees with the goals of the organization. Organizations may have expectations from employees as well as employees' expectations from organizations and managers in achieving their goals. It is possible that these expectations, which are the source of the motivation, can be achieved through a natural and permanent communication within the organization. Communication should ensure that employees work together on the core values of the organization. The compliance process of the employee to the organization is accelerated and the productivity of the employee can be increased. The employee who adapts to the organization; sense of belonging and communication will increase and motivation process will accelerate. As a result of the development of technology, the use of digital tools has also become widespread. The individual, with the rapid development of technology and increased dependence in the field of communication, he expresses his feelings and thoughts and uses emojis. However, digital text messages are now part of everyday life. In these messages, the use of emoji is often preferred in order to convey their thoughts and ideas to the recipient correctly. The widespread use of emoji affects communication and also employees psychologically. In this regard, this study examines the role of emoji usage in the workplace and the motivation of the employee from a theoretical perspective.


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