Author :  

Year-Number: 2021-36
Language : İngilizce
Konu :
Number of pages: 1014-1024
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


The issue of Turkey's membership in the European Union has been a controversial issue for years. There are various views on this old issue, which date back to the 1963 Ankara Agreement. The party that supports Turkey's membership to the European Union and even became the major partner of the Government at the time the Ankara Agreement was signed is also the founding party of the Republic of Turkey, the Republican People's Party. The Republican People's Party identified Turkey's membership in the European Union with Atatürk's goal of contemporary civilizations. However, in line with this goal, the party followed a policy that looked after the national interests. Even the Republican People's Party has taken a critical attitude towards the EU from time to time. Although the party's point of view towards the EU was shaped according to the conjuncture of the period, it basically had the same manner. Within the framework of the changing comments of the party leaders, the Republican People's Party has kept the issue of full membership to the EU as a hot agenda, which has always been the main target in foreign policy.



The issue of Turkey's membership in the European Union has been a controversial issue for years. There are various views on this old issue, which date back to the 1963 Ankara Agreement. The party that supports Turkey's membership to the European Union and even became the major partner of the Government at the time the Ankara Agreement was signed is also the founding party of the Republic of Turkey, the Republican People's Party. The Republican People's Party identified Turkey's membership in the European Union with Atatürk's goal of contemporary civilizations. However, in line with this goal, the party followed a policy that looked after the national interests. Even the Republican People's Party has taken a critical attitude towards the EU from time to time. Although the party's point of view towards the EU was shaped according to the conjuncture of the period, it basically had the same manner. Within the framework of the changing comments of the party leaders, the Republican People's Party has kept the issue of full membership to the EU as a hot agenda, which has always been the main target in foreign policy.


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