Author :  

Year-Number: 2021-31
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 462-479
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Turizm ve konaklama sektöründe istenilen hizmet kalitesinin ve verimliliğinin artırılması, sürdürülebilirliğin sağlanması müşteri memnuniyeti ve sadakatinin sağlanabilmesi için sektör yöneticileri tarafından çeşitli alternatiflere başvurulmaktadır. Bu konuda son yıllarda başvurulan alternatiflerden biri de hizmet robotlarıdır. Bu bağlamda çalışmada, turizm ve konaklama sektöründe yararlanılan hizmet robotlarına ilişkin yapılan yayınlara amacıyla 2016-2021 yılları arasında gerçekleştirilen çalışmalardan 6 adet bildiri ve 72 adet makalenin literatür taraması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma turizm ve konaklama sektörüyle ilgili akademik bilgi kullanıcılarına sektörde kullanılan hizmet robotlarına ilişkin bilgi sunmayı hedeflemektedir.



In order to increase the desired service quality and efficiency, to ensure sustainability, and to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty in the tourism and hospitality sector, various alternatives are applied by the sector managers. One of the alternatives used in this regard in recent years is service robots. In this context, a literature review of 6 proceedings papers and 72 articles from the studies carried out between 2016-2021 for publications on service robots used in the tourism and accommodation sector was carried out. The study aims to provide information about the service robots used in the sector to the academic information users about the tourism and hospitality sector.


  • Belanche, D.; Casalo, L.V. and Flavian, C. (2020). “Frontline Robots in Tourism and Hospitality: Service

  • Belanche, D.; Casalo, L.V. and Flavian, C. (2020). “Frontline Robots in Tourism and Hospitality: Service Enhancement or Cost Reduction?”. Electronıc Markets. 1-16

  • Blocher, K. and Alt, R. (2020). “AI and Robotics in the European Restaurant Sector: Assessing Potentials for Process Innovation in A High-Contact Service Industry”. Electronic Markets. 1-23

  • Byrd, K.; Fan, A.; Her, E.; Liu, Y.R.; Almanza, B. and Leitch, S. (2021). “Robot vs Human: Expectations,Performances and Gaps in Off-Premise Restaurant Service Modes”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 1-21

  • Çakar, K. and Aykol, S. (2021). “Understanding Travellers' Reactions to Robotic Services: a Multiple Case Study Approach of Robotic Hotels”. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 12 (1): 155-174

  • Chi, O.H.; Jia, S.Z.; Li, Y.F. and Gürsoy, D. (2021). “Developing a Formative Scale to Measure Consumers'Trust toward Interaction with Artificially Intelligent (AI) Social Robots in Service Delivery”. Computers in Human Behavior, 118: 1-17

  • Choi, Y.; Choi, M.; Oh, M. and Kim, S. (2020). “Service Robots in Hotels: Understanding the ServiceQuality Perceptions of Human-Robot Interaction”. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29 (6): 613-635

  • Choi, Y.; Oh, M.; Choi, M. and Kim, S. (2021). “Exploring the Influence of Culture on Tourist Experiences with Robots in Service Delivery Environment”. Current Issues in Tourism, 24 (5): 717-733

  • Choi, S.; Mattila, A.S. and Bolton, L.E. (2021). “To Err Is Human(-oid): How Do Consumers React to Robot Service Failure and Recovery?”. Journal of Service Research, 24 (3): 354-371

  • Chung-En, Y. (2018). “Humanlike Robot and Human Staff in Service: Age and Gender Differences inPerceiving Smiling Behaviors”. 7th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM 2018), 99-103

  • Christou, P.; Simillidou, A. and Stylianou, M.C. (2020). “Tourists' Perceptions Regarding the Use ofAnthropomorphic Robots in Tourism and Hospitality”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32 (11): 3665-3683

  • de Kervenoael, R.; Hasan, R.; Schwob, A. and Goh, E. (2020). “Leveraging Human-Robot Interaction inHospitality Services: Incorporating the Role of Perceived Value, Empathy, and Information Sharing into Visitors' Intentions to Use Social Robots”. Tourism Management, 78: 1-15

  • Dobrosovestnova, A.; Hannibal, G. and Reinboth, T. (2021). “Service Robots for Affective Labor: a Sociology of Labor Perspective”. AI & Society, 1-13

  • Dünya Turizm Örgütü (2008). “Turizm”. Erişim Linki: https://www.unwto.org/glossary-tourism-terms, Erişim Tarihi: 16.04.2021

  • Etemad-Sajadi, R. and Sturman, M.C. (2021). “How to Increase the Customer Experience by the Usage of Remote Control Robot Concierge Solutions”. Internatıonal Journal of Social Robotics, 1-12

  • Fan, A.; Wu, L.R. and Mattila, A.S. (2016). “Does Anthropomorphism Influence Customers' Switchingİntentions in The Self-Service Technology Failure Context?”. Journal of Services Marketing, 30 (7): 713-Fan, A.L.; Wu, L.R.; Miao, L. and Manila, A.S. (2020). “When does Technology Anthropomorphism HelpAlleviate Customer Dissatisfaction after a Service Failure? - The Moderating Role of Consumer TechnologySelf-Efficacy and İnterdependent Self-Construal”. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29 (3): 269-290

  • Fuentes-Moraleda, L.; Diaz-Perez, P.; Orea-Giner, A.; Munoz-Mazon, A. and Villace-Molinero, T. (2020).“Interaction between Hotel Service Robots and Humans: A Hotel-Specific Service Robot Acceptance Model (sRAM)”. Tourism Management Perspectives, 36: 1-14

  • Fuste-Forne, F. (2021). “Robot Chefs in Gastronomy Tourism: What is on the Menu?”. Tourism Management Perspectives, 37: 1-9

  • Gürdin, B. (2020). “Türkiye’de Robonomi: Z Kuşağı Gençlerin Hastanelerde Potansiyel Hizmet RobotuKullanımına Yönelik Tutumları”. Artuklu Kaime Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3 (1): 56-78.

  • Hou, Y; Zhang, K and Li, G. (2021). “Service Robots or Human Staff: How Social Crowding Shapes Tourist Preferences”. Tourism Management, 83: 1-9

  • Hu, Y.O.; Min, H. and Su, N. (2021). “How Sincere is an Apology? Recovery Satisfaction in A Robot Service Failure Context”. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 45 (6): 1022-1043

  • Ivanov, S. (2017). “Robonomics - Principles, Benefits, Challenges, Solutions”. Yearbook of Varna University of Management, 10: 283-293

  • Ivanov, S.; Webster, C. and Seyyedi, P. (2018). “Consumers' Attitudes Towards the Introduction of Robots in Accommodation Establishments”. Tourism, 66 (3): 302-317

  • Ivanov, S. and Webster, C. (2019). “Conceptual Framework of the Use of Robots, Artificial Intelligence andService Automation in Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality Companies”. Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality. (Edited by: Ivanov, S. and Webster, C.), 7-37

  • Ivanov, S. and Webster, C. (2019). “Perceived Appropriateness and Intention to Use Service Robots inTourism”. (Edited by: Pesonen, J. and Neidhardt, J.). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 237-248

  • Ivanov, S. and Webster, C. (2019). “What Should Robots Do? A Comparative Analysis of IndustryProfessionals, Educators and Tourists”. (Edited by: Pesonen, J. and Neidhardt, J.). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 249-262

  • Ivanov, S. (2019). “Ultimate Transformation: How will Automation Technologies Disrupt the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industries?”. Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft, 11 (1): 25-43

  • Ivanov, S.H.; Webster, C.; Stoilova, E. and Slobodskoy, D. (2020). “Biosecurity, Crisis Management,Automation Technologies and Economic Performance of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Companies - A Conceptual Framework”. Tourism Economics, 1-24

  • Ivanov, S.; Seyitoglu, F. and Markova, M. (2020). “Hotel Managers' Perceptions towards the Use of Robots: a Mixed-Methods Approach”. Information Technology & Tourism, 22 (4): 505-535

  • Ivkov, M.; Blesic, I.; Dudic, B.; Bartakova, G.P. and Dudic, Z. ( 2020). “Are Future Professionals Willing toImplement Service Robots? Attitudes of Hospitality and Tourism Students towards Service Robotization”. Electronics, 9 (9): 1-16

  • Kızılyalçın, A. ve Gürdin, B. (2021). “Yeşil Pazarlama ve Yeşil Muhasebenin Bibliyometrik Ağ Analizi”.(Ed: Sefer Yılmaz ve Mehmet Ali Burak Nakiboğlu). Genel İşletme Çalışmaları: 79-97. Ankara: Akademi Yayınevi A.Ş.

  • Kim, S.; Kim, J.; Badu-Baiden, F.; Giroux, M. and Choi, Y. (2021). “Preference for Robot Service or HumanService in Hotels? Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 93: 1-12

  • Kuo, C.M.; Chen, L.C. and Tseng, C.Y. (2017). “Investigating an Innovative Service with Hospitality Robots”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29 (5): 305-1321

  • Lee, W.J.; Kwag, S.I. and Ko, Y.D. (2020). “Optimal Capacity and Operation Design of a Robot Logistics System for the Hotel Industry”. Tourism Management, 76: 1-10

  • Lee, Y.J.; Lee, S. and Kim, D.Y. (2021). “Exploring Hotel Guests & Rsquo; Perceptions of Using Robot Assistants*”. Tourism Management Perspectives, 37: 1-12

  • Lee, W. and Ko, Y.D. (2021). “Operation Policy of Multi-Capacity Logistic Robots in Hotel Industry”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33 (5): 1482-1506

  • Leung, R. (2019). “Smart Hospitality: Taiwan Hotel Stakeholder Perspectives”. Tourism Review, 74 (1): 50-Leung, X.Y. and Wen, H. (2020). “Chatbot Usage in Restaurant Takeout Orders: A Comparison Study of Three Ordering Methods”. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45: 377-386

  • Lin, A.; Ma, E. and Chen, B.T. (2019). “The Effect of Interactive It Table Service on Consumer's Revisit Intention”. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research-AHTR, 7 (1): 124-136

  • Lu, L.; Cai, R.Y. and Gürsoy, D. (2019). “Developing and Validating a Service Robot Integration Willingness Scale”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 80: 36-51

  • Lu, L.; Zhang, P. and Zhang, T.T. (2021). “Leveraging "Human-Likeness" of Robotic Service at Restaurants”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94: 1-9

  • Lukanova, G. and Ilieva, G. (2019). “Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation in Hotels”.(Edited by: Ivanov, S. and Webster, C.). Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality, 157-183

  • Manthiou, A.; Klaus, P.; Kuppelwieser, V.G. and Reeves, W. (2020). “Man vs Machine: Examining the Three Themes of Service Robotics in Tourism and Hospitality”. Electronic Markets, 1-17

  • McCartney, G. and McCartney, A. (2020). “Rise of the Machines: towards a Conceptual Service-RobotResearch Framework For The Hospitality And Tourism Industry”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13 (12): 3835-3851

  • Mingotto, E.; Montaguti, F. and Tamma, M. (2020). “Challenges in Re-Designing Operations and Jobs toEmbody AI and Robotics in Services. Findings from a Case in the Hospitality Industry”. Electronic Markets,Murphy, J; Gretzel, U and Pesonen, J. (2019). “Marketing Robot Services in Hospitality and Tourism: the Role of Anthropomorphism”. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 36 (7): 784-795

  • Nam, K.; Dutt, C.S.; Chathoth,P; Daghfous, A. and Khan, M.S. 2020). “The Adoption of Artificial İntelligence and Robotics in the Hotel İndustry: Prospects and Challenges”. Electronic Markets, 1-22

  • Naumov, N. (2019). “The Impact of Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation on ServiceQuality and Service Experience in Hospitality”. (Edited by: Ivanov, S. and Webster, C.). Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality, 123-133

  • Neuhofer, B.; Magnus, B. and Celuch, K. (2020). “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Event Experiences: a Scenario Technique Approach”. Electronic Markets, 1-17

  • Qiu, H.L.; Li, M.L.; Shu, By. and Bai, B. (2020). “Enhancing Hospitality Experience with Service Robots:the Mediating Role of Rapport Building”. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29 (3): 247-268Pillai, R. and Sivathanu, B. (2020). “Adoption of AI-Based Chatbots for Hospitality and Tourism”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32 (10): 3199-3226

  • Reis, J; Melao, N; Salvadorinho, J; Soares, B. and Rosete, A. (2020). “Service robots in the Hospitality Industry: The Case of Henn-na hotel, Japan”. Technology in Society, 63: 1-12

  • Rosete, A.; Soares, B.; Salvadorinho, J.; Reis, J. and Amorim, M. (2020). “Service Robots in the HospitalityIndustry: An Exploratory Literature Review”. Exploring Service Science (IESS 2020) / Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 377: 174-186

  • Seyitoğlu, F and Ivanov, S. (2020). “A Conceptual Framework of the Service Delivery System Design forHospitality Firms in the (post-) Viral World: The Role of Service Robots”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 91: 1-10

  • Seyitoglu, F. and Ivanov, S. (2021). “Service Robots as a Tool for Physical Distancing in Tourism”. Current Issues in Tourism, 24 (12): 1631-1634

  • Shao, X.L.; Jeong, E.; Jang, S. and Xu, Y. (2020). “Mr. Potato Head Fights Food Waste: The Effect ofAnthropomorphism in Promoting Ugly Food”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 89: 1-13

  • Shin, H.H. and Jeong, M. (2020). “Guests' Perceptions of Robot Concierge and Their Adoption Intentions”.Simon, O.; Neuhofer, B. and Egger, R. (2020). “Human-Robot İnteraction: Conceptualising Trust in Frontline Teams through LEGO (R) Serious Play (R)”. Tourism Management Perspectives, 35: 1-10

  • Tung, V.W.S. and Au, N.M. (2018). “Exploring Customer Experiences with Robotics in Hospitality”.Tuomi, A.; Tussyadiah, I.P. and Stienmetz, J. (2021). “Applications and Implications of Service Robots in Hospitality”. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 62 (2): 232-247

  • Tuomi, A.; Tussyadiah, I.P. and Hanna, P. (2021). “Spicing Up Hospitality Service Encounters: the Case of Pepper (TM)”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 1-20

  • Tussyadiah, I.P.; Zach, F.J. and Wang, J.X. (2020). “Do Travelers Trust İntelligent Service Robots?”. Annals of Tourism Research, 81: 1-14

  • Ukpabi, D.C.; Karjaluoto, H.; Olaleye, S.A. and Mogaji, E. (2018). “Dual Perspectives on The Role ofArtificially Intelligent Robotic Virtual Agents in The Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Industries”. ResearchAdvancements in National and Global Business Theory and Practice / Book SeriesEuroMed Academy of Business Conference Book of Proceedings, 1339-1351

  • Ukpabi, D.C; Aslam, B. and Karjaluoto, H. (2019). “Chatbot Adoption in Tourism Services: A ConceptualExploration”. (Edited by: Ivanov, S. and Webster, C.). Robots, Artificial Intelligence, And Servıce Automatıon in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality, 105-121

  • Van, N.T.T.; Vrana, V.; Duy, N.T.; Minh, D.X.H.; Dzung, P.T.; Mondal, S.R. and Das, S. (2020). “Role ofHuman-Machine Interactive Devices for Post-COVID-19 Innovative Sustainable Tourism in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam”. Sustainability, 12 (22): 1-30

  • Wang, Y.G.; Cai, X.M.; Xu, C.L. and Li, J. (2021). “Rise of the Machines: Examining the Influence ofProfessional Service Robots Attributes on Consumers' Experience”. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 1-15

  • Webster, C. (2019). “Halfway There: the Transition from 1968 to 2068 in Tourism and Hospitality”. Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft, 11 (1): 5-23

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  • Wirtz, J.; Patterson, P. G.; Kunz, W. H., Gruber, T., Lu, V. N., Paluch, S. and Martins, A. (2018). “Brave New World: Service Robots in The Frontline”. Journal of Service Management, 29 (5): 907-931

  • Wu, L.; Fan, A.; Yang, Y. and He, Z.Y. (2021). “Robotic Involvement in the Service Encounter: a Value- Centric Experience Framework and Empirical Validation”. Journal of Service Management, 1-30

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  • Article Statistics