Author :  

Year-Number: 2021-33
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 713-722
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Today, the widespread use of mass media and the technological developments in this field have made it possible to reach wider masses of people. With this development, political parties and their representatives have started to use mass media more intensively. In addition, politicians are trying to reach the voters with their rallies and meetings, brochures, posters and advertising campaigns. The study we have done in this context has been carried out to investigate the effects and levels of political marketing methods on voter behaviors. It is aimed to examine the effects and dimensions of these activities on the voters



Today, the widespread use of mass media and the technological developments in this field have made it possible to reach wider masses of people. With this development, political parties and their representatives have started to use mass media more intensively. In addition, politicians are trying to reach the voters with their rallies and meetings, brochures, posters and advertising campaigns. The study we have done in this context has been carried out to investigate the effects and levels of political marketing methods on voter behaviors. It is aimed to examine the effects and dimensions of these activities on the voters


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