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Year-Number: 2021-35
Language : null
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Number of pages: 835-848
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


The aim of this study is to examine how digital maturity level affects coporate strategies, particularly after the rapid digitalization processes that came with the pandemic, it is aimed to explain how digitalization is included in the strategies of companies, how digitalization is handled on a departmental/functional basis between those who have invested in digitalization in the past and have reached a certain level of maturity and those who are at the beginning of the digital transformation process. The study was conducted in 26 manufacturing companies in Turkey within the organization in the ISO Second 500 List. The data were obtained by using both qualitative and quantitative methods, the method of in-depth interviews with 56 high level managers and survey with 132 employees. As a result of this study, there are differences in the corporate strategies of companies that are more mature in digitalization and companies that are at a lower level. Companies with a high level of digitalization have a high level of digitalization of products and services, as well as organization and processes. However, in companies with a low level of digitalization, the subject of products and services has been handled on the basis of the production department and digitized, but the organization and processes have not been sufficiently digitalized. While companies with high level of digitalization give importance to digitalization in all departments of R&D, finance, accounting, sales and marketing, companies with low level of digitalization give their focus to production and finance departments and partially support digital transformation in other departments. While trainings are given to increase the digital awareness of employees in mature companies in digitalization and the perspective on digital transformation is dominant in the corporate culture, it has been determined that employees in companies with low digital maturity level are supported only in necessary vocational training.



The aim of this study is to examine how digital maturity level affects coporate strategies, particularly after the rapid digitalization processes that came with the pandemic, it is aimed to explain how digitalization is included in the strategies of companies, how digitalization is handled on a departmental/functional basis between those who have invested in digitalization in the past and have reached a certain level of maturity and those who are at the beginning of the digital transformation process. The study was conducted in 26 manufacturing companies in Turkey within the organization in the ISO Second 500 List. The data were obtained by using both qualitative and quantitative methods, the method of in-depth interviews with 56 high level managers and survey with 132 employees. As a result of this study, there are differences in the corporate strategies of companies that are more mature in digitalization and companies that are at a lower level. Companies with a high level of digitalization have a high level of digitalization of products and services, as well as organization and processes. However, in companies with a low level of digitalization, the subject of products and services has been handled on the basis of the production department and digitized, but the organization and processes have not been sufficiently digitalized. While companies with high level of digitalization give importance to digitalization in all departments of R&D, finance, accounting, sales and marketing, companies with low level of digitalization give their focus to production and finance departments and partially support digital transformation in other departments. While trainings are given to increase the digital awareness of employees in mature companies in digitalization and the perspective on digital transformation is dominant in the corporate culture, it has been determined that employees in companies with low digital maturity level are supported only in necessary vocational training.


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