The Relationship Between Job And Career Satisfaction Among Healthcare Workers: The Mediating Effect Of Work-Family Conflict

Author :  

Year-Number: 2022-39
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2022-03-28 18:00:59.0
Language : İngilizce
Konu : Yönetim ve Strateji
Number of pages: 246-254
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


A major problem that confronts organizations such as healthcare institutions is employees’ satisfaction with their jobs and their internal and external aspects. In addition, work-family conflict management is another important topic within the domain of organizational behavior and human resources. Hence, it was important to clearly delineate the relationships between job and career satisfaction and work-family conflict. This study examined the relationships between job and career satisfaction and work-family conflict among healthcare workers. Consistent with hypotheses, career satisfaction was significantly and positively correlated with job satisfaction, and the mediators (i.e., work-family and family-work conflict) were significantly and negatively correlated with job satisfaction. In addition, work-family conflict partially mediated the relationship between career and job satisfaction. The results highlight the importance of identification of the factors that affect job and career satisfaction and can help managers make informed decisions about interventions that aim to improve the emotional responses of employees.



A major problem that confronts organizations such as healthcare institutions is employees’ satisfaction with their jobs and their internal and external aspects. In addition, work-family conflict management is another important topic within the domain of organizational behavior and human resources. Hence, it was important to clearly delineate the relationships between job and career satisfaction and work-family conflict. This study examined the relationships between job and career satisfaction and work-family conflict among healthcare workers. Consistent with hypotheses, career satisfaction was significantly and positively correlated with job satisfaction, and the mediators (i.e., work-family and family-work conflict) were significantly and negatively correlated with job satisfaction. In addition, work-family conflict partially mediated the relationship between career and job satisfaction. The results highlight the importance of identification of the factors that affect job and career satisfaction and can help managers make informed decisions about interventions that aim to improve the emotional responses of employees.


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