Analysis of Product Concentrations of Fragile Economies

Author :  

Year-Number: 2022-46
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2022-10-21 18:22:25.0
Language : İngilizce
Konu : Uluslararası İktisat
Number of pages: 680-686
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




After the US Federal Reserve's tightening message in May 2013, the volatility in the economic indicators of some countries whose economy was financially dependent on foreign sources increased. The economies of some countries were more negatively affected by the said situation. These countries (Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia, South Africa, India) took place in the economic literature as the "Fragile Five". In this study, it is aimed to determine and analyze the product concentrations in the exports of Fragile Five economies. In this context, Entropy Index (EI) and Hirschman-Herfindahl Index (HHI) are used in the analyzes covering the 2000-2020 period. According to the results of the analysis, Turkey and India are the countries with the lowest export concentrations among the said countries.


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